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Helping churches generate income outside of the collection plate!

Matasha LaQuinn

The SOCIETY 23 team had the pleasure of facilitating a Real Estate Investment Training for A.M.E. Pastors in the North & South Houston District! In many cultures, churches are the center of the community. It is our belief that churches should be also be a resource center that offers tools for members to achieve total life prosperity. In this instance, total life prosperity relates to economic success such as home ownership, credit stability and the ability to become better managers of their finances.

In this training we covered how to establish a housing and development ministry, the importance of ongoing home buyer and credit classes, how to make money by building houses on land owned by the church and much more. Our team also addressed the mindset shift that needs to occur with the Pastors and their leadership teams.

Some churches struggle financially because they depend solely on offerings from their members. We live in an era where fish dinners and popcorn fundraisers are no longer sufficient and will not take your ministry to the next level. They all begin to have light bulb moments as they realized the opportunity to create change by becoming the Real Estate investors and community developers.

It was a joy to partner with the AME church family for this training and we look forward to helping them create change and transform communities.

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